Be Fabulous with Vips & Vicki Podcast - Subscribe Now


Our clients, ShiftUp Alums and friends have been asking us to do a podcast for years, and I am glad to announce that Vicki and I have finally committed to doing it. So here it is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

‘What can I expect from Be Fabulous?’ I hear you say. Each week we dive into what it means to be a fabulous person on the journey to being a Fabulous Leader. We do all this with our trademark blend of humor, challenge, safety and yet no-nonsense approach.

If you want to be successful, contented and do something purposeful to reinvent the world, then this is for you. We’ll use the ThinqShift Career Journey to explore different aspects of being fabulous each week. These are the Journey to SuperStar Performer; to Awesome Manager; to Top Notch Executive and to Fabulous Leader.

We hope you enjoy it!

Vips & Vicki