2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 9: Transparency. Is it all it’s cracked up to be?

We hear the word “transparency” a lot in organizations. Hardly a day goes by that a leader doesn’t state that they value transparency. Transparency has become a top priority in organizations around the world. Transparency in leadership—it's often hailed as the cornerstone of trust and accountability. But is it always as beneficial as it seems? In this episode, we'll explore the double-edged sword of transparency within organizations, uncovering its potential pitfalls and unintended consequences. From overexposure and anxiety to competitive risks and employee disengagement, we'll dive into real-world examples that reveal the dark side of too much transparency. Join us as we navigate the complex landscape of transparency in the workplace and offer practical strategies for business leaders to strike the right balance. Tune in to discover whether transparency is truly all it’s cracked up to be. Ignorance is bliss.

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 8: Fairness: Why It’s So Obvious to Me and Not to Everyone Else

Is your commitment to equality actually doing more harm than good? In this episode, we expose the uncomfortable truth: treating everyone the same might be the most unfair thing you can do as a leader. Prepare to rethink everything you know about fairness, equality, and the real path to a thriving workplace.

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 7: Collective Responsibility. The paradox in Leadership.

“Is your focus on departmental success actually sabotaging your organization’s future? In this episode, we dive deep into the paradox of collective responsibility in leadership—why balancing your own goals with the greater good isn’t just an option, but a necessity. Get ready to challenge your assumptions and rethink what it means to truly lead.”

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 6: Performance Compassion Clash

Many people want to work in organizations that prioritize their well-being. Leaders accustomed to driving results may view kindness and treating employees with compassion as a weakness or distraction. Are these two factors at odds with each other or is there a way to combine them? In this episode, we dive into the factors to be considered and how to think about it from various lenses, whether you’re an employee, leader, or CEO. 

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 5: Keeping Perspective: "How much do we really need"

In this episode,  we are going to dive into a topic that would help many of us right now given the daily clammer of the media and the busyness of our daily responsibilities all the while trying not to be influenced by those around us and what they are buying, what schools their kids are going to and where they are traveling to this year.  We’re focusing on how one keeps perspective starting out with Vicki taking a once in a lifetime perspective changing trip … including the makeshift toilet! 

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 4: Entrepreneurship - Is it what it's cracked up to be? The light and dark side

Entrepreneurship, for many of us it sounds like a dream. Having a greater impact in the world. Pursuing our passion. Building something from scratch. Being our own boss and having autonomy with the increased flexibility that comes from creating our own schedules. Not having to deal with office politics, unnecessary meetings, performance reviews and other administrative tasks that feel like a waste of time. Given all that, who wouldn’t want to be an entrepreneur?

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 3: Promotions - Did you really earn it? Was it worth it? Are you even ready?

In this episode, we discuss a truly joyous topic. Something everybody wants. Something that gets celebrated by colleagues, friends and family when it happens. Something that raises our levels of dopamine and makes us feel on top of the world. Promotions! We’re going to give you a sneak peak into the dark side of being promoted and give you food for thought so that you can make sure it is something you’re ready for and that it's actually something you actually want. Join us as we dive in and give you our fabulous perspective.

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 2: AI - Is My Job Doomed?

In this episode, we’re going to dive into a topic that is taking up mental space for many of us. We’ll be discussing AI and its impact on our jobs. While many experience some degree of low-grade anxiety, others panic when thinking about the idea. And then there are others who are excited about it and see it as a huge opportunity. And some of us experience both fear and excitement. In this episode, we’re going to dive into how to think about this topic so that you have a broader perspective and know what you can do now to start moving in the direction of the skills that are going to be the most highly valued. 

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2024 Series If Only It Was That Easy Episode 1: Implications of Working Remotely

In this first episode of the series, we’re tackling a topic that evokes a huge amount of emotion - working remotely. Employees question why they can’t work remotely forever as they value flexibility enormously. And they have proven the productivity benefits during Covid. If only it was that easy. Join us as we provide a variety of ways for fabulous people to truly appreciate the complexities as they look through the lens of their boss, the organization, the country, and even the world so that they can best navigate this complex topic without unknowingly creating longer-term unintended consequences.  

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2021 Series Episode 2: What’s Going to Stick and Rebound in a Post-Covid World

Through the lens of the 5 thinking levels - tactical, operational, structured, systemic and meta - we work through what’s going to stick and rebound in a post-Covid world. We cover everything from how zoom levels the playing field to what happens when you don’t have the same proximity to power and decision making. Organizations want the maximum amount of agility while humans want the maximum amount of clarity, stability, and flexibility - these are two opposing forces that are impossible to reconcile like repelling magnets.

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