Solidarity Hour... The One With Alexis Artin
How long ago did we subordinate our truths to someone else’s? How do you know your name? Our Friday’s Solidarity Hour guest, Alexis Artin, walked us through how our formative years taught us the meanings that were given to us - what is good and what is bad - and how many of us do not know how to be present and communicate with our bodies.
An expert in embodiment, Alexis explained how most of us live disconnected to our bodies, and that we have ignored and even bullied our body over several years. It isn’t until the body gives us feedback and strongly tells us “this isn’t working” that we will listen to it.
This is exacerbated in the corporate world where what is valued is the mind, over body. We walk around as heads on legs, not listening to what our bodies are telling us. And our bodies are communicating to us ALL THE TIME and 90% of communication is non-verbal. So what exactly are we communicating to others? They’re picking up our pain, our tension, our discomfort even as we pretend like we’ve got this.
Alexis shares powerful truths about the period we’re going through and how important it is to recognize how often we’re escaping - via social media, via TV shows - and to really listen to what our body is telling us in order to nudge ourselves into alignment with our great purpose in life.
Another hour that went by so fast! Listen to the full audio to learn more about how our bodies are serving and protecting us, and how much more effective and authentic we will be when we communicate with our body both internally and externally to be connected in our mind, body and spirit.