amy richter


Amy is her mother's daughter - compelled to teach. Marketing was her classroom for 20 years, her desire to impact people goes well beyond!

It’s easy to miss the fabulousness in people. You’re great or you’re not, right? It’s not that simple. And I want to help uncover and nurture the inner ‘fabulous’ that many people have.
— Amy Richter


For two decades, Amy managed Fortune 500 accounts for leading advertising agencies, helping them navigate the era of digital disruption and ambiguity. Her experience crosses FMCG, retail, foodservice, tourism, hospitality and professional sports.


Amy’s heart belongs to her family, her dog Lucy, sports and Ocracoke Island. If you’ve never heard of the latter, that’s ok, she’d like to keep it a secret. As a cancer survivor, her motto is, “The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.


The calm in the storm. Thomas Friedman talks about getting comfortable with ‘dynamic stability’ and she is a living, breathing example of that.